


Ducks Unlimited Canada connects people to nature and a healthier world through wetland conservation. For 85 years and counting, Ducks Unlimited Canada has used sound science, working with a variety of partners to conserve wetlands and natural spaces that keep our water clean, our wildlife abundant and our communities healthy. To learn more about their innovative environmental solutions and services, visit  We are proud to partner with Ducks Unlimited Canada and support their important work on the landscapes we wander, for the wildlife we love. A $1.00 from every online order will be donated to Ducks Unlimited Canada

Clear Solid is a one stop shop. From content management, E-commerce websites, search engine optimization to web development, they do it all.

Theory design is a collection of Artists, Illustrators, Designers, Friends, Colleagues, Mothers, Fathers, Brothers and Sisters... We are THEOCY design.